Traditional Spa Ingredients

           Experience the traditional Balinese way to health and beauty. Our enormous wealth of diverse ecosystems makes Bali a botanical treasure trove. The medicinal qualities of the abundant plant life have, for centuries, formed the backbone of health and beauty therapy throughout this huge and exotic realm. The following are some of the most common herbal spa ingredients.

Tumeric (Curcuma domestica)
             Tumeric is one of the key ingredients in Bali healing concoctions. It is used internally and externally for its astringent and cleaning properties, typically as an herbal medicine to treat stomach discomfort and in cosmetics to promote healthy skin. When crushed, the oil this rhizome yields is an efficient natural moisturizer and it also has antiseptic properties.

Cinnamon (Cinnamonum zeylanciaum)
            Cinnamon is most commonly used as a culinary spice, either in the form of quills from the bark of the tree or as a powder. Otherwise, it is popular in milky or alcoholic drinks to stimulate a sluggish digestive system or to relieve flu symptoms. Cinnamon is a key ingredient in spicy body scrubs as well as slimming & cellulite reduction treatments

Sweet Basil (Ocimum basilicum)
             This spicy herb is eaten raw and adds flavor to many local dishes. Sweet basil has medicinal properties and is used in traditional healing to help reduce mucous, eliminate gas and aid digestion. As an aromatherapy ingredient, the essential oil of the basil plant is used to refresh the senses and relieve tiredness.

Mint (Mentha arvensis)
              Mint is a blood cleansing plant with its antiseptic and antibacterial properties, and it aids digestion. In modern spa treatments, it is used as an ingredient in body wraps and foot treatments because of its refreshing smell. The essential oil of mint is used in aromatherapy to invigorate the senses and ease nasal congestion. Mint is also mixed with cream bath conditioners and massaged into the scalp to combat dandruff and to stimulate hair follicles to grow.

Lemon Grass (Cymbopogon citrates)
             A signature ingredient in Bali cuisine, this grass-like herb has a sharp, fresh, lemony aroma, making it a favorite flavoring in many foods and drinks. It is eaten to speed up a slow digestive system, and its oil is good for calming hot, perspiring feet. As a medicinal herb, it was traditionally used to cure skin problems and headaches, and was burned to kill germs and repel insects. Lemon grass is a common ingredient in Bali herbal compresses due to its soothing, invigorating and antiseptic properties, while the aroma relieves stress. As part of traditional herbal steam baths, it helps to clear the head and soothe hangovers. Burn lemon grass oil for an effective room deodorizer and a refreshing smell.

Cloves (Eugenia caryophyllus)
                Cloves have analgesic qualities and are traditionally used for pain relief, especially for toothaches. They are also antiseptic and increase overall blood circulation; when chewed, cloves can stop excessive flatulence. Suck on a clove when you are tired or stressed, or if you want to give up smoking. Cloves are a primary ingredient in many body wraps and scrubs.

Galangal (Alpinia galangal)
               This rhizome is often mistaken for ginger. It is a popular ingredient in Balinese soups and curries because of its fragrant, tangy aroma. Though too pungent to be eaten raw, the fresh root is used in traditional medicine to relieve digestive ailments and to cure skin diseases. Galangal finds its way into spa treatments as an ingredient in herbal body masks and scrubs.

Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
               Balinese uses both the young and mature ginger rhizome in many foods and beverages. Ginger is known for is stimulant properties, which have a heating effect on the body. Taken as an herbal drink, it helps reduce gas and aids digestion. Traditionally, Balinese mothers used ginger treatments if their babies had upset stomachs. In aromatherapy, its essential oil is used to boost blood circulation and relieve aching and stiff muscles.

Tamarind (Tamarindus indica)
                 The incredibly sour tamarind fruit is utilized in a variety of ways in Bali cuisine, and it also has a wide array of medicinal uses. The bark is used as an astringent, the flowers can reduce blood pressure and the fruit has a laxative effect. A refreshing tamarind drink can relieve constipation. The leaves are used in herbal steams as the acidity is thought to help the skin absorb other herbals faster. Traditionally, tamarind paste is mixed with other natural spa ingredients to create beauty products: its high AHA content makes it an effective natural exfoliation. When applied to the face and body, it brightens and smoothens the skin.

Kaffir Lime Leaf (Citrus hystrix)
               This leaf is used in Bali cuisine to add a lemony flavor to soups and salads, while the zest is a popular ingredient in herbal compresses and the oil is used in aromatherapy. The fresh Kaffir Lime fruit is an all purpose hair care aid, making tresses soft and silky.

Rice Grains (Oryza sativa)
                Rice is not just a food, it is a culture and a way of life. Thais have adopted raw rice as the typical base to bind herbal concoctions, and it is a primary ingredient in natural body polishes due to its exfoliating properties.

Jamu helps people to heal quickly, rejuvenate, and strengthen immune system

               Jamu is a go-to solution drink for all kinds of common ailments, ranging from infertility to increasing libido.  People in the island of Bali and Java depend on these drinks for their health, energy, strength, body-mind balance, and internal and external radiance.  Its origin remains a mystery but its impact on the lives of these people is enormous. 

               There are more than three hundred blends of jamu today, some are bitter while others are sweet but jamu is known, taken regularly, would keep those health worries away.  It functions as more than health drink to the people of Bali and Java, it has become a routine for these people to drink it to relieve aches and pains, revive energy, maintain strength, and body-mind balance.  The people of the island of Java consume it daily to balance their inner and outer physical beauty, and mental clarity. Jamu is an integrated health system perfected by the people of the island of Java in Indonesia.

               Long before time was measured in terms of hours and minutes, and long before the world discovers aspirins and antibiotics, people in the island of Java and Bali discovered the concept of jamu as a solution to their health issues.  Our ancestors worked to perfect jamu, a complex blend of spices, and other ingredients that provide them with solution to keep themselves healthy, balance, and happy. They used their indigenous knowledge and skills in blending  jamu, perfect drinks, that provide nutrition needed for healthy body and mind.  A glass of jamu a day will keep those chronic ailments away.

                It helps people to heal quickly, rejuvenate, and strengthen immune system.  One needs to drink it once a day and very soon you will feel and appreciate it.  Jamu is a liquid blend of several types plants, flowers, leaves, barks, roots fruits and tree saps and people of the island of Java drink jamu daily. The Javanese people in Indonesia believe that jamu is precious gift from Almighty that helps them to lead a healthy and happy lifestyle.

                 According to the people in the island Java, Indonesia, jamu is a functional drink, wellness drink, and healthy drink that provide balance in our life.  It is also a way of life, “My life is like Jamu – some days I need to be bitter while other days I have sweet days”

Reduce Your Blood Pressure with Cucumber Juice!

Cucumber Juice for Blood Pressure
                  Reduce Your Blood Pressure with Cucumber Juice! When it comes to cucumber, most of us just throw a few on our salad at lunch or dinner and call it good. Some of us probably use them to reduce puffiness around the eyes fore often than we actually eat them. If you want the real benefit of cucumbers, take them off your eyes and pop them into the juicer (not the same ones!) Cucumber juice can help with your skin, just like slices, but it’s actually more beneficial in reducing your high blood pressure. So, before you go on a dangerous blood pressure medicine, or if your meds aren’t working as well as they should, try drinking a nice, tall glass of refreshing cucumber juice.

               There was a study done recently that showed foods high in potassium, magnesium and fiber can reduce blood pressure. In combination with a healthy diet these foods reduced study participants systolic blood pressure by 5 points and their diastolic blood pressure by 3.5 points. So what’s this have to do with cucumber? Well, cucumbers are not only high in these three nutrients; they’re also a significant source of Vitamins A and K, folate, caffeic acid, and silica. They also contain a significant amount of Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that may also help to lower blood pressure.

                  Since cucumber juice isn’t exactly a high demand product, your best bet for quality is to make your own. Making your own juice is great with any fruit or vegetable because you know what’s going into your juice and you know it’s fresh and full of live, active enzymes. Cucumber is great for juicing because the water content is so high within the pulp; however, this means that most of the nutrients are actually contained within the skin. You should buy unwaxed cucumber if possible because waxed cucumbers generally require pealing, removing valuable nutrient content. Get your cucumbers from the refrigerated section of the grocery store and make sure to put them in your fridge when you get home. They don’t stay fresh very long, so don’t wait longer than a day or two to juice them. Try to choose cucumbers that are firm, rounded, and that have a bright to dark green color. These are the best quality and will give you the best results.

                    If you want the benefits of cucumber juice, but just don’t think you can stand the taste, try mixing it with other juices. Carrot and Celery juices can both taste great when mixed with cucumber, plus they have great benefits of their own. If neither or those juices spark your fancy, use your imagination and start mixing. You probably don’t want to go too crazy, but if you can find a combination you like the taste of, you’re more likely to actually bother drinking the juice everyday.

                   In addition to lowering your blood pressure, cucumbers can improve your skin, help grow hair, nails, and teeth, and even clean out your kidney. So, if you want to reduce your blood pressure while also promoting other factors of good health, why don’t you try throwing a few cucumbers in your juicer?

Mahkota Dewa

Diabetes ‘Mated’ to Mahkota Dewa

Mrs. Tjandra Dewi – Jl. Sriwijaya No. 5  Magelang

I was born in a family with a hearty liking for good food and drink, and a life free from trouble and worry.  My father is one of seven siblings, all married and living  in the same house.  Every day these families will compete with each other in preparing the most delicious food to be enjoyed by all and be praised by the other families.  The food they are fond to eat are seafood, chicken, beef, and pork.  This has become a tradition for generations of our family.  It is not surprising if the members of my family were to contract diabetes, heart diseases, cholesterol, or high blood pressure.

My background is exactly the opposite of the background of my husband who is used to living frugally.  During the early days of our marriage, we were really crawling up from down under.  My husband at first started a Popsicle business.  In the 1970’s , he started a tofu business.  The output sufficed to give our children a modest pattern of life.  Not satisfied with the tofu output, in 1973 my husband turned to a spices business, seasonings meant to be added to pecel (a salad made of blanched vegetables served with peanut sauce) to make it more tasty.  He labeled the product: Kalkun.  Seven years later, he expanded his business  producing soy sauce, labeled Kalkun also.  Because his product is based on an old-fashioned  recipe, no preservatives are used.

As a wife, I fully support my husband’s efforts, assisting in the production of seasonings and soy sauces, handling the sales and claims. Yet being thus engaged, I do not forget my status as a housewife.  I go to market every day for our household needs.  Because of the hearty liking for food established in my youth, my household too follows his pattern.  Each time I go to the market, I always buy sweets and various kinds of snacks for my children and family.  I have been doing this for years.  It is not surprising if my children are pudgy.  As a matter of fact, I have been reminded repeatedly to change my eating pattern, but that is difficult.  In the end, I had to sow the consequences.  Since 1996, I have been stricken by diabetes mellitus.  The children too contracted cholesterol, triglyceride and arthritis.  Ironically, the level of sugar in my husband’s blood is often too low due to his simple and careful eating habits for fear to be stricken by a disease like mine.  No use in crying over spilt milk.  The disease already resides in my body.

Remorse won’t cure the disease.  Because I do wish to regain my health, I visit the doctor regularly.

Laboratory tests showed the level of sugar in my blood to be above 300.  Normally, it should be 140.  Diabetes patients usually depend on drugs for life.  That is also the case with me.  Yet even though I take the doctor’s medicine regularly, keep a strict diet, my sugar level is never less than 300.  I am tired of having to consume medicine all the time, not to mention the side effect of the drug that is basically a chemical.  In early 2002, one of the doctors changed my treatment.  Instead of the drug, I was given  insulin injections twice daily.  This was meant to give my pancreas a rest from producing insulin.

One day, I got a package of a Mahkota Dewa concoction from my son Henki Purnama in Jakarta. He himself has consumed the concoction to deal with arthritis (10), cholesterol  (240) and triglyceride (340).

“Ma, try this.  I used to suffer from headaches and swollen feet. After I consumed this concoction, all my complaints disappeared, I can sleep soundly, and I feel fit, like new”.

“I am used to taking the doctor’s medicine.  I fear something may happen if I consume this concoction”.

“But Ma, you should try it first.   It is not  artificial, so don’t be afraid of side effects”

In the end, I was persuaded to try.  Still, I was wary.  I trusted the doctor more.  I  sometimes drink the concoction, but not regularly. Thus, I did  not feel any significant changes.  After one week, I did not feel drinking it any more.

Luckily, in December 2002 Ibu Ning and her husband  who happens to be a friend of my son, visited us on their way to Yogyakarta.  Ibu Ning asked about the condition of my health, and whether I continue to consume her concoction.  I told her that I don’t have the patience to consume it routinely..  Ibu Ning then told us about her experience in handling diabetes patients.  According to her experience, most of her patients were “mated” to mahkota dewa.

To be sure of the efficacy of the concoction, she suggested that I check my sugar level, cholesterol, arthritis at the laboratory.  Then I should consume mahkota dewa routinely.  Two weeks later,  check again at the lab.  In my experience, the level of sugar in your blood will certainly drop, even though you do not take the doctor’s medicine, she said.  “But you must regulate your eating pattern.  Also, when engaging in physical exercises.”

Ibu Ning tried to convince me by quoting lab results of people who were cured.

Hearing her explanations, I began to believe her.  I started drinking the concoction regularly.  I did not take the doctor’s medicine, but did visit the doctor for  the  scale 8 insulin injections.  When I started consuming the concoction regularly, the level of sugar in my blood was 300 .  Checking at the lab two weeks later, my sugar level was only 132! Meaning, normal.  The doctor was amazed .  Though I take the doctor’s medicine, keep a strict diet, and engage in physical exercise, the level of  sugar  of my blood was never this normal.  The insulin injections too dropped from scale 8 to scale 6.  I also feel fit.

Ibu Ning recommended that I add sidaguri tea to the concoction.   With this encouraging result,  I now truly believe in the efficacy of the concoction.  I told all my friends and family stricken by diabetes.

My daughter, Jesi Purnama, who is chubby  with triglyceride  600, and cholesterol 240, wants to try it too.  Her complaints are stiff and painful feeling in muscles, headache, hands go to sleep.  She only consumed instant Made Murni.  After two weeks, her complaints gradually disappeared.  My husband too started consuming mahkota dewa.  He chooses Made Super that tasted like a ginger drink.  It also makes him feel fit.

I thank God because the disease that for so long  has darkened my life has gradually disappeared.  My family and I express our thanks to Ibu Ning Harmanto.  Without her, we may still be struggling with these chronic diseases.  Our thanks also to Indonesia for making available the mahkota dewa plant the efficacy of which  far exceeds state-of-the-art  medicinal substances.

Andrographis Paniculata or Sambiloto in Indonesia

             Because it implies merit increase endurance, sambiloto believed able to counteract HIV / AIDS. A company in the United States has patented this plant. In Indonesia, these plants were scattered everywhere. (

             Jamu is a term for herbal medicine from Indonesia. Though its proven effective to cure many diseases, many people do not like to drink it though, because of its smells and tastes weird. There is one type of traditional liquor is very bitter that many people do not want to drink, its called Sambiloto. However many people are still looking for this bitter herb since that it has offering many beneficial.

             This herbal is considered as the famous and effective Indonesian medicinal plants. You can use Sambiloto as a traditional medicine for disease prevention purposes or treatment, that it’s been proven, effective, safe and efficacious. Sambiloto (andrographis paniculata) is a kind of herbaceous plants in the family acanthaceae. The leaves are sambiloto there Andrographolide chemicals that can protect the heart, fight cancer and boost immunity.Lots of leaves Sambiloto benefit from this, among others is to treat the disease diabetes, typhoid, and some are saying could also leaves Sambiloto for itching disease and prevent cancer. It’s also been widely used to prevent malaria so that many people also called it as anti-malaria drug. In addition it leaves are also useful for maintaining the immune or stamina. Still thinking to hate this great plant? @alternativemedicine

Curcumae domesticae rhizoma atau kunyit

         Curcuma domestica is a perennial, erect, and leafy plant with very large, lily-like leaves up to 1.2 m long. The leaf blade is ovate-lanceolate, thin, entiremargined, and narrows to a long sheath-like petiole. The main rhizome is thickened to a tuber and has numerous roots. The roots in turn terminate in partially elliptical tubers. The secondary rhizomes are digit-shaped with no roots. All rhizomes are yellowish-brown with stipules and appear transversely ringed when they die.

       "Turmeric, curcuma domestica Val. H (Curcumae domesticae rhizoma) The plant and the drug The rhizomes of turmeric (syn. C. longa L., Zingiberaceae) are imported as a ready-prepared and ground, dark yellow powder with a characteristic taste and odour. The distinctive colour and presence of starch grains (as both simple and compound grains) and cork make the microscopic identification of the drug relatively straightforward. Turmeric is used in religious ceremonies for Hindus and Buddhists."

Ingredients :
        Turmeric contains medicinal compounds, called curcuminoids consisting of curcumin, desmetoksikumin bisdesmetoksikurkumin 10% and as much as 1-5% and other beneficial substances such as volatile oil consisting of ketones sesquiterpen, turmeron, tumeon 60%, 25% Zingiberen , felandren, sabinen, borneol and sineil. Turmeric also contains fats as much as 1 -3%, Carbohydrate 3%, Protein 30%, Starch 8%, Vitamin C 45-55%, and mineral salts, namely iron, phosphorus, and calcium.

     As drug           Tuber roots more than one year old used as a drug (root tuber is cool, clean, particularly affecting the abdomen in the stomach, stimulate, release overage gas in the intestines, stop bleeding and prevent blood clotting) other than that is also used as an ingredient in cooking . Turmeric is also used as an anti-itch and anti-spasm and reduce swelling of mucous membranes of the mouth. Turmeric juice consumed in the form called filtrate, is also taken as extracts or used as an ointment to treat swelling and sprains. Turmeric is also efficacious to cure a stuffy nose, how to burn the turmeric and breathe it. [2]
Turmeric can be used to cure some issues related to irregularities in the kidneys work, especially in the miraculous cases that are marked with an unpleasant body odor, and eyes that are not resistant to light, the use of turmeric is very effective, that is by drinking a glass of juice turmeric ( dumped the waste), for 2 consecutive weeks.
A simple way is: 1. Take a handful of turmeric, then peeled 2. Grate or juice in a blender (plain water added to taste) 3. Bring to a boil 2-3 times (usually marked by expansion) 4. Add a little salt (tip of a spoon) 5. Strain / Squeeze 6. Pour the lime juice (1-3 seeds, to taste) 7. Add sugar or honey 8. Drinking (better in warm)
Should not drink after 5pm.
It is also very effective to cure the flu / fever in pregnant mothers (not necessarily done every day, usually 1-2 days was able to recover), so avoid the use of chemical drugs that can be harmful to the fetus. When consumed by pregnant women, believed to be clean babies born of fats that are often attached / covered the baby's body.
The use of turmeric instant, should not be done for treatment (especially for pregnant mothers), because there are content-content that may be harmful to the womb.
The main content of turmeric is curcumin and essential oil that functions for the treatment of hepatitis, antioxidants, digestive disorders, anti-microbial, anti cholesterol, anti-HIV, anti-tumor (induced apostosis), inhibited the progression of breast tumor cells, inhibits tumor cell ploriferasi the colon, anti- invasion, anti-rheumatoid arthritis (rheumatism). Diabetes mellitus, Typhus, appendix, dysentery, leucorrhoea Pain; Menstruation is not smooth, the abdominal pains during menstruation, breastfeeding Streamlining; tonsil, Berak mucus, morbili, Cangkrang (Waterproken).
Turmeric has a bright prospect in the downstream sector in various forms such as extracts, oils, starch, food / beverage, cosmetics, pharmaceutical products and IKOT / IOT.

Uricaria gambir

Uncaria gambir, the gambier or gambir, is a species in the genus Uncaria found in Indonesia.

Gambier is used in Indonesia for chewing with areca and betel, for tanning, and for dyeing. It contains many catechins which are known to have many medicinal properties and are components of Chinese herbal remedies and certain modern medicines. To make gambier, the leaves are first boiled in water. They absorb it and turn brownish in color. The leaves are then pressed mechanically to squeeze and extract liquid. This liquid is then dried into a semi-solid paste and molded into cubes, which are dried in the sun. Gambier is generally packed in 50 kilogram multilayered packing. 


Grow the forest or planted plantation house and yard.


Plant shrubs, 1-3 cm high. Stems upright, rounded, branching simpodial, pale brown color. Single leaf, opposite, oval form, jagged edges, base rounded, tapered tip, 8-13 cm long, 4-7 cm wide, green color. Compound interest, bell shaped, axillary, about 5 cm long, crown-shaped oval, the color purple, egg-shaped fruit, approximately 1.5 cm long, black color. Parts Used dried leaf.