Curcuma domestica is a perennial, erect, and leafy plant with very large, lily-like leaves up to 1.2 m long. The leaf blade is ovate-lanceolate, thin, entiremargined, and narrows to a long sheath-like petiole. The main rhizome is thickened to a tuber and has numerous roots. The roots in turn terminate in partially elliptical tubers. The secondary rhizomes are digit-shaped with no roots. All rhizomes are yellowish-brown with stipules and appear transversely ringed when they die.
"Turmeric, curcuma domestica Val. H (Curcumae domesticae rhizoma) The plant and the drug The rhizomes of turmeric (syn. C. longa L., Zingiberaceae) are imported as a ready-prepared and ground, dark yellow powder with a characteristic taste and odour. The distinctive colour and presence of starch grains (as both simple and compound grains) and cork make the microscopic identification of the drug relatively straightforward. Turmeric is used in religious ceremonies for Hindus and Buddhists."
Ingredients :
Turmeric contains medicinal compounds, called curcuminoids consisting of curcumin, desmetoksikumin bisdesmetoksikurkumin 10% and as much as 1-5% and other beneficial substances such as volatile oil consisting of ketones sesquiterpen, turmeron, tumeon 60%, 25% Zingiberen , felandren, sabinen, borneol and sineil. Turmeric also contains fats as much as 1 -3%, Carbohydrate 3%, Protein 30%, Starch 8%, Vitamin C 45-55%, and mineral salts, namely iron, phosphorus, and calcium.
As drug Tuber roots more than one year old used as a drug (root tuber is cool, clean, particularly affecting the abdomen in the stomach, stimulate, release overage gas in the intestines, stop bleeding and prevent blood clotting) other than that is also used as an ingredient in cooking . Turmeric is also used as an anti-itch and anti-spasm and reduce swelling of mucous membranes of the mouth. Turmeric juice consumed in the form called filtrate, is also taken as extracts or used as an ointment to treat swelling and sprains. Turmeric is also efficacious to cure a stuffy nose, how to burn the turmeric and breathe it. [2]
Turmeric can be used to cure some issues related to irregularities in the kidneys work, especially in the miraculous cases that are marked with an unpleasant body odor, and eyes that are not resistant to light, the use of turmeric is very effective, that is by drinking a glass of juice turmeric ( dumped the waste), for 2 consecutive weeks.
A simple way is: 1. Take a handful of turmeric, then peeled 2. Grate or juice in a blender (plain water added to taste) 3. Bring to a boil 2-3 times (usually marked by expansion) 4. Add a little salt (tip of a spoon) 5. Strain / Squeeze 6. Pour the lime juice (1-3 seeds, to taste) 7. Add sugar or honey 8. Drinking (better in warm)
Should not drink after 5pm.
It is also very effective to cure the flu / fever in pregnant mothers (not necessarily done every day, usually 1-2 days was able to recover), so avoid the use of chemical drugs that can be harmful to the fetus. When consumed by pregnant women, believed to be clean babies born of fats that are often attached / covered the baby's body.
The use of turmeric instant, should not be done for treatment (especially for pregnant mothers), because there are content-content that may be harmful to the womb.
The main content of turmeric is curcumin and essential oil that functions for the treatment of hepatitis, antioxidants, digestive disorders, anti-microbial, anti cholesterol, anti-HIV, anti-tumor (induced apostosis), inhibited the progression of breast tumor cells, inhibits tumor cell ploriferasi the colon, anti- invasion, anti-rheumatoid arthritis (rheumatism). Diabetes mellitus, Typhus, appendix, dysentery, leucorrhoea Pain; Menstruation is not smooth, the abdominal pains during menstruation, breastfeeding Streamlining; tonsil, Berak mucus, morbili, Cangkrang (Waterproken).
Turmeric has a bright prospect in the downstream sector in various forms such as extracts, oils, starch, food / beverage, cosmetics, pharmaceutical products and IKOT / IOT.